Whelped: May 20, 2019
Goes Home: July 15, 2019 Estimated

Ely  |  Riven


Yellow & Black pointing lab litter

We are really excited about this litter!!   The pedigree that includes lineage of  Kingseed’s GRHRCH UH Hunters Marsh King Elijah QAA MNH “Ely” and GRHRCH UH GMPR Blazing Red Kennels QAA MNH  “Flame

Both Dogs come from a strong line of pointing lab, national hunting retriever, and field trial champions.


“Ely”   |  GRHRCH UH Hunters Marsh King Elijah QAA MNH


His Pedigree is full of great dogs.  His 4 generation Pedigree has six Field Trial Champions, four Master Hunters and two HRCH.  He is a littermate to “JD” 4xGMPR Hunters Marsh Jack Daniels Bubba Jaz.

Ely earned his HRC upland title with four straight passes. He earned his Grand Hunting Retriever Champion Title at the age of three. He is a member of the HRC 1000 point club. He passed three straight Master Nationals to become a MNH and earn his way into the Master National Hall Of Fame. He won the first Qual entered to become QAA. Ely did not accomplish all of this by running every weekend, he did it by passing all most every test or winning every trial he was entered in.  VERY FEW dogs can compare to Ely when it comes to proving their talent. 

Here are a few stats:

#4 on the UKC Current Top Producing sire list
56 Straight HRC Finished Passes
30 Straight AKC Master Passes
Ely is the type of Dog every breeder hopes to one day have in his Gene Pool.  He is a team player who is always giving his best effort.  He is as talented and intelligent as they come. 

Ely is also a personal hunting dog.  He is hunted extensively in the U.S. and Canada. As good as he is at the hunt test game he is even better in the field. He picks up on average 500 game birds per season. He can hunt along side  layout blind covered in corn stubble or from his dog blind 20 yards behind me. He is ok hiding in a fence row or in the duck boat or on his marsh stand. Upland hunting is his favorite job. He is a natural pointer and will work as long and as hard as you ask him to.




“Riven” | CPR SHR Wingman’s Blazin’ Sweetness JH

Riven has a very natural point, tremendous drive, great marking ability, and amazing drive.  Riven is a super gentle sweetheart in the house.  She melts when you give her attention.  She is a very quick learner, confidently bold, very loyal, and loves to train. 

Riven is the daughter of:

GRHRCH UH GMPR Blackpowder’s Blazing Red Flame WC MH MNH QAA.  His pedigree and accomplishments can be found at:


HRCH UH Carolina’s Sugar Sweet


Riven is the result of a repeat breeding that produced:

GRHRCH GMPR Coopertown’s Splendid Splinter of Blazing Red – Teddy
